The Adolescent Sexual Health Work Group promotes and protects the sexual and reproductive health of youth in California.

A collaborative of governmental and non-governmental organizations, ASHWG is comprised of program managers from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), California Department of Education (CDE), and key non-governmental organizations (NGO).


Youth Engagement

The Youth Engagement Subcommitte works to ensure a diverse youth voice in ASHWG’s work. This subcommittee develops and leads initiatives to promote youth engagement within member organizations and ensures appropriate youth input within ASHWG activities and products. Our goal is to create a full spectrum of youth engagement to both enhance ASHWG’s outcomes and facilitate access to existing resources to support youth advocacy efforts in California. We leverage existing ASHWG tools, new technology, and member resources to engage youth in ASHWG’s objectives and outcomes

  • Promote youth engagement within member organizations.

  • Ensure appropriate youth input within ASHWG activities and products.

  • Facilitate youth access to existing resources to support youth advocacy efforts.

Data & Evaluation

  • Develop and disseminate data products that include ASRH outcomes and key related indicator data (e.g., resiliency, assets, behavioral risk data, school drop-out rates) at the statewide and local health jurisdiction level.

  • Develop and disseminate resource guides for surveillance and evaluation that includes core ASRH indicators (one set for population-based surveillance and one set for program evaluation) and information on CA surveys.

  • Develop and implement an outreach plan to engage key stakeholders in the use of ASRH and related data.

  • Use available data sources to evaluate the use of data products and resources.

Tools & Training

The tools and training sub-committee works to identify, create and make available quality training, tools and other resources for those who work with youth to advance their sexual health and wellness. We strive to support a diverse workforce that includes teachers, teachers’ aids, counselors, health educators, clinicians, administrators, front office staff, medical assistants, youth advocates and other youth-serving individuals with the goal of positioning training and resources to enhance their ability to provide quality sexual and reproductive health education and services to young people in California. Sub-committee members meet by phone or in conjunction with the regular ASHWG meetings to determine, plan and follow through with our subcommittee objectives.

  • Conduct an inventory of existing ASHWG tools and resources.

  • Assess and refine tools and resources as needed.

  • Facilitate youth access to existing resources to support youth advocacy efforts.


  • Strategic use of data to advance ASHWG goals.

  • Act as ambassadors within the agencies to educate about how policies do/don’t meet ASHWG priorities, and inform bill analyses.

  • Create internal program policies with input of broader ASHWG group and stakeholders.

  • Educate policy makers and other decision makers about ASHWG priorities.

Our Work

Invitation to Join


Summary of Group Vision


Adolescent Sexual Health Meeting Notes

Adolescent Sexual Health Overview